인디안 보호구역

How to Pick a Graduate Advisor 본문

문화 생활/충고듣는 인디안

How to Pick a Graduate Advisor

Indie-An 2015. 8. 5. 17:16

In this NeuroView, I provide a guide for young scientists on how to select a graduate advisor or postdoctoral advisor. Good mentorship is not only pivotal for career success, but it is pivotal for driving innovation and for the health of our universities. Universities need to do much more to teach faculty how to mentor and to ensure mentoring quality. I propose an M-index to measure mentoring quality. I also call here for better studies of what great mentorship entails, better reward for great mentors, and more consideration of mentoring quality when awarding prizes and grants.

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일의 우선순위를 정하는 방법  (0) 2014.03.05